Wednesday, October 26, 2011

progressYesterday's projects included the installation of a new front door and the new electrical box, which means #1 that they didn't get the painting started yet because of the door project, and #2 that it's time for me to call the electrical company to get that last utility put in my name. I guess I also need to start harassing the plumber to see when he can get started. 1935 is the year that the appraisal listing shows this house as having been built. One of the guys who looked at it said that they recently worked on a house just like it that had been moved in from Camp Howze after WWII. We know that this house was moved in, but we're not sure where it came from. The camp was started in 1941, so I doubt that it came from there. Still, it's kinda cool to think about the history.

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