Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Horse & Pony StoriesI found this one at a garage sale. Since it's a collection of stories, I'm just gonna tell you which one I liked the best. I think it was the story about Strider by Leo Tolstoy. It doesn't matter why; I just liked it.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)I watched the Benjamin Button movie with Jeffrey and Amy on Saturday. It was plenty entertaining, but the end was a bit out there. Of course, that's what we expected. Mr. Button was pretty ugly for most of it. 'Twould have been nice if they would have made him hotter for longer. But basically the theme is that every life is important...don't give up on people...don't judge too quickly. Eh. The trouble with having good themes with fantasy movies is that it makes good seem like just that - a fantasy. Or it could be that I struggle with fantasy stories no matter what the theme may be.

Cold Mountain (2003)We also watched Cold Mountain. Actually, it was on all weekend on CMT, so I saw most of it twice. I never did catch the first 5 minutes or so, though. This one pretty much has the same theme. Everyone has a purpose. Don't give up. Blah, blah...but it's definitely not fantasy, and I was very satisfied with the ending.

At the suggestion of Thainamu, I did go to the Tyler Rose Garden. I walked around for awhile looking for this plaque:
Joseph's Coat Sign
...but I had no luck, so I had to go up to the gift shop to get a map of the garden. See, grandpa and mom have been looking for that particular rose around here for a long time, and no one sells it. I wasn't even convinced that it was real. But I found it in Section F Row 8.
Joseph's Coat Rose
Then, on my way out of town, I stopped an a nursery and bought four of them. Happy Mother's Day! So mom was happy. And my trip was productive. 'Cause we certainly didn't catch any fish out at Lake O' the Pines. The water was too high.
Joseph's Coat Roses
In other news, totally unrelated, last week dad found a little opossum in our garage under the lawn mower. He stuck him in a bucket, and I snapped a picture:
Stop eating our cat food, beasties!!

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