Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Building Center FlagYes, I'm pretty happy about the Virginia case regarding the unconstitutionality of forcing me to buy health insurance. No, it's just not the same thing as auto insurance. I can choose to drive. I can't exactly choose to live. Well, I can, but one can't do so if they're saddled with the Judeo-Christian worldview. Mandatory health coverage through the government is as unconstitutional as our graded tax system. Heh. But what can you do? Frankly, I'm sort of surprised that so many people get it...that they understand how yucky the health care bill was/is. I mean, I'm one of those uninsured folks that the whole argument centered on so much. So I care about the new "tax" or penalty quite a bit. But it's people who already have insurance that are upset, too. It's not just about the possibility of higher costs or poorer care. It's that whole constitutionality thing. Military and roads. Border control and commerce. That's about all we need the Fed for. That's easy to say in Texas, though. I realize we have it pretty good here. Why didn't Jesus just leave us all with the ability to heal people with a word or a touch? I guess 'cause we'd try to be immortal then, and this life is all about death. Isn't that what we're all preparing ourselves for?


Prairie said...

Ok - so we talked about how we don't talk about this kind of stuff on our ride a few weeks ago, but I gotta say that the HCP is not as bad as you think it is. Perhaps the unconstitutionality of it can be argued (as can the addition of "Under God" in the pledge, and God on the money - as we are supposed to separate church and state), but the actual plan will help people. Maybe not you, but you're healthy for the moment. As you mentioned in one of your other blogs, you pay school taxes even though you don't have a kid, how is paying for coverage when you're not sick much different? As to the car comparison - yes, it's a low end analogy. BUT - statistically speaking, when people who don't have health care get really sick, they end up in the ER, and since some hospitals have an "always treat" policy, the ER has to administer very expensive treatments. This is very similar to being hit by an uninsured motorist - the bill comes out of your pocket, not theirs. If people are required to have health insurance, we'll be healthier as a nation, because people will go to the doctor when they are sick, rather than waiting till the last minute and hitting an ER, costing the public thousands of tax dollars.
Secondly, the insurance companies in general are scamming us. It's true, and the bill doesn't fix most of that problem. What it does fix, though, are pre-existing conditions. So - if your dad, or my dad, lost their health care, they couldn't be denied a new service plan b/c of their pre-existing diabetes, where previously they could have been! Additionally, within that same section of the bill, health care providers are prohibited from raising prices on their plans without rational reason, or some BS working like that. Of course, it hasn't gone into effect yet, which means that many providers are raising the rates now, trying to get a little extra money before they can't any more. This is a downside, of course.
Finally, our new HCP is based on the Canadian plan. Why do so many people get busted going to Canada for pills, surgery, and doctor's visits if the Canadian medical program is worse? Instead, it's more affordable, the doctor's are better trained and licensed, and the level of care all around is considered more professional. Overall, though there are some down sides to the plan, I cannot reject the whole thing. Sure, there are some nasty things added to it; there always are with our government, which seems to be directly in opposition of forward progress. We cannot cling to the "golden" old days; we are to big as a nation, and to connected. We have to keep up with the times, or we'll fall behind the curve as a world power. The HCP is a step toward doing so.

I yield the floor. ;)

tank said...

:) We are too connected as a nation, that's for sure. I don't think that's such a great thing. I suppose it'd be easier to just accept it, but freedom would be lost. Ack, mentioning education doesn't do anything but get me fired up about that one again. I care about the education of my friends' kids and those of my family, and I'd be glad to help financially if needed, but I don't care about the education of strangers' kids. Public education does make our country stronger, but power isn't everything. It's the most dangerous of things, really. Our foreign policy shows that we don't really handly our power all that well. But could we keep freedom with a weak nation? Dunno the answer to that one. It's a paradox, for sure. No escape. Freedom for safety. Adventure for peace of mind. Seems that we are being penned up and castrated. Moo.