Sunday, May 06, 2012

I liked the movie, and the lines in Walmart were long, so I picked up the book. "The Hunger Games", written by Suzanne Collins in 2008, is a story told by Katniss Everdeen, a poor teen from District 12 who volunteers in her sister's place for the Hunger Games, a fight to the death with 23 other teens, organized annually by the government to keep the 12 districts subdued. The story is fine, the book is fine, but I still don't see it. I don't see the way it speaks to people so much that it causes them to get mockingjay tattoos. I only know of one person who got one, but that seems me. Hey, it's just my opinion that tattoos should mean something. And nothing in the book really spoke to me that way. The only theme I can figure as significant is the fact that Katniss has to basically pretend to be in love with Peeta just to stay alive - so Peeta will stay on her side and so that society will let them both live. Maybe some people can identify with that? The trouble with the Hunger Games is that I just can't see it actually happening. I mean, even if a bad government did make it happen, I don't think the people would go on for 74 years watching it happen. I think even the people in the Capitol would eventually speak up about the evil of it. Of course, I don't really like to imagine a godless society, and that's exactly what this book portrays. Soo, sure, I plan to watch the next two movies, but I'm not sure if I'll read the other books. The price tags on the other two were higher for some reason, and I'm just not that hooked. Would I recommend the book to you? Eh. I wouldn't tell you not to read it, but...

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